Fava Bean Broad Windsor Fava — Approx. 10 sds/pkt. Long, straight pods with 5 to 6 large, meaty beans per pod. Plants grow to 60cm (24") in height. A very good, general-purpose fresh or dried bean. Note: Fava beans germinate well in cooler soil. Plant the seeds early in the spring the same time as garden peas. Brown seed.
Dwarf Horticultural Shell Bean — Approx. 70-80 sds/pkt. A fresh shell bean with semi-round, 15cm (6") long light green pods that turn a crimson-flecked white as they mature. Vigorous, tall plants, 75cm (2.5') high produce an abundant crop. Good green-shell bean that compares well in flavour with lima beans. Grow like any other bush bean. Red-brown seed.
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